Homeopathic Hydration Drainage, Tonification & Support Increases Cell's Ability to Uptake Water
Concentrated Homeopathic Milieu Tincture (2 oz.)
Dosage: 15 drops in 1 liter of water daily, or as directed by a Health Care Practitioner. Do not take sublingually.
Traditionally Supports:
- Dehydration
- Depression
- Adjustments Not Holding
- Elevated Blood Pressure
- Digestive Dysfunction
- Muscle Cramping / Pain
- PMS / Menopausal Disorders
- Adrenal Mineral Corticoid Support
- Edema (Non) Pitting
- Renal Support
Please read Disclaimer.
Adrenal 6X, 6C
ATP 4X, 6X, 12X, 30X
Coffea cruda 1X
GABA 6X, 12X, 30X
Germanium sesquioxide 4X, 6X, 8X
Hypericum perforatum 3X, 6X, 12X
Hypothalamus 6X, 6C
Kidney 6X, 6C
Serotonin 6X, 12X, 30X
Taraxacum officinale 1X
Natrum muriaticum 6X.
Directions: 1 dropperful in every liter
of water ideally 2
dropperfuls per day under
normal activity conditions.