Inflammation Excretion (Initial) Through the Lymph
Concentrated Tincture (2 oz.)
Traditionally Supports:
- Extra Cellular Stage
- Elimination / Excretion
Acute Reaction / Inflammation
BioEnergetic practitioners of all approaches agree:
each of the three Lymph BioToxicosis drainage
remedies, given at the correct time in the sequential
cycles of restorative healing, will 1) substantially
reduce the challenging effects of xenobiotic
translocation and reabsorption, and 2) significantly
soften and often eliminate many of the symptoms of
regressive retracing/reabsorption.
Lymph 1 Acute was designed to assist in the clarification
process at the Extra Cellular Stage of
drainage. A blend of low potentized, Spagyrically
processed herbs provide nutrition, while correcting
sarcodes supply the body with the blueprint of healthy
tissue. Specific homeopathic polychrests and cell
salts are also included to assist in the clarification
process at this level or phase. A cobalt blue bottle
protects the remedy.
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Adrenal 3X, 6X, Apis Mellifica 3X, 6X, Aranea Diadema 9X,12X, ATP 4X, 6X, 12X, 24X, Belladonna 6X,12X, Calcarea Carbonica 9X, Conium Maculatum 6X, Echinacea Angustifolia 1X, Fumaria Officinalis 6X, Galium Aparine 9X, Graphites Naturalis 6X, Hypothalamus 3X, 6X, Kali Iodatum 3X, 6X, Lachesis Muta 12X, Mercurius Iodatus Flavus 9X, Mesenchyme 9X, Myristica Sebifera 9X, Phosphorus 12X, Phytolacca Decandra 2X, 9X, Pinus Maritima 6X, Pituitary 3X, 6X, Rhus Toxicodendron 12X, Scrophularia Nodosa 9X, 15X, Sulphur 12X, Thyroid 6X, Uncaria Tomentosa 3X.
Dosage:One full dropper 2x daily in warm water, or as directed by a Health Care Practitioner.